Question by .:
i had worst day ever?
me and my friends and some of their friends were going to get high today because there was a party at school so class ended early, me and my friends meet up by this trail near our school today. My friends parents were out working and my friend lives close to the school, my friend said he was going to be late to his house. We took the trail leading to his house as we were walking to his house we noticed some stores. We bought some food because we were probably gonna get hungry later. As we were buying food we noticed some cops in the store they didn't say anything to us. So after we bought some food we continued walking to my friends house. We got to my friends house before he did, a few minutes go by we see him walking down. We didn't realize how many people he had bought with him. He only had some extra weed for two more people to join so he asked if i wanted to stay because i bought half of the food but, I passed because I would have felt uncomfortable alone with a bunch of guys. The other guy on the other hand stayed behind but, I splited some of the food because I bought half of it. I shared some with my friends that didn't get invited, one of my friends called their older bother to pick us up in front of a store. As we were waiting for their bother we noticed the two cops from earlier, they said they knew what we were up to and if we didn't go they would call our school. It was freezing and raining the cops wanted to teach us a lesson so they followed us in their police car to school and didn't even offer us a ride. I admit I don't hang out with the best group of people but, i am actually a nice kid I get a,b, and c's and my teachers think i am a great kid. I gave into peer pressure today, me and the guy I like were supposed to go get high with have been friends since our freshman year we are both juniors now. I liked him and I was trying to impress and possibly have sex with him.... But I knew it was wrong so I decided not to smoke with them.
Best answer:
Answer by jj133
You do know that no matter what people tell you, weed is still a drug and kills your brain cells. You are young, have fun with friends but stay away from drugs. You really don't want to get into that habit. A lot of my high school friends that smoked weed and still do never amounted to anything...just saying
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